Other Writings & Appearances

My great literary love has always been creative nonfiction—so much so, it’s even become my own preferred writing style. It even served as the foundation of my memoir. More often than not, when I put pen to paper, it’s to write a creative nonfiction essay.

And like many writers, I tend to find my inspiration close to home, which is evident in the publications that I’ve chosen to write for over the years. The essays featured here cover topics close to my heart—topics like parenting, family, wellbeing, and a life of service.

Occasionally the spotlight flips and I become the focus of other people’s work. Explore recent media appearances I’ve made.



The military spouse community is varied and fascinating and has so many stories to tell, which is why I am honored to be part of the Mission: Milspouse blogging team. My posts focus on the art of storytelling and the importance of sharing our tales with the world.



My son has served as muse for many of my stories, our relationship laying the foundation for these pieces I wrote for Your Teen for Parents. While every family is unique, there is also a universality that comes with being a parent. These essays may highlight our rather untraditional lifestyle, but they also speak to the common truths of the parenting experience.


I won’t lie—being a military spouse hasn’t always been a cake-walk. In my 25+ years of carrying the added title of “military girlfriend” and “military spouse”, I’ve had my fair share of moments where I felt that my mental and physical wellbeing were taking a hit because of the lifestyle. That’s why it was no surprise that I began writing essays for InDependent, an organization that recognizes the importance of wellness and connection in the military community.


There are some stories I write that scream for a more substantial home. When I first discovered Legacy Magazine in 2017, I knew they would give the weight deserved to these pieces. A beautifully curated and produced magazine, Legacy highlights the uniqueness of the military community and the recognizes the importance of expression through creativity. The stories I have published with the Legacy family of publications have been highly personal and written in the hopes of increasing connection and understanding with others.


cover of Julie Tully's book Dispatches from the Cowgirl with an image of boots, a palm tree, and a truck driving on a rustic road and the subtitle "through the looking glass with a Navy Diplomat's wife" and "a memoir"

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